What Does Auto Tune Mean In Music

What does tune mean? Asked in Music What does rythem mean? I think you mean rhythm it is the beat that it makes and is a right tune it wouldn't be rhythm if it was out of tune. Sep 11, 2010 Missed that high note? With Auto-Tune, that's OK. Like a spellchecker or photo editing software can save us from our mistakes, the audio program Auto-Tune can correct a singer's bad notes. Autotune is simply a piece of technology made by the dark lord Lucifer to snare the souls of all man kind,since autotune was taken up by a Mr T-Pain people have been dick riding this software and selling their souls to the dark angel at the same time, much to the amusement of every Rock'n'Roll fan.

Okay, I’m gonna be honest: I hate this song. I mean really? “Do you believe in life after love?” What does that even mean? I don’t know which I dislike more: The lyrics to this song, or Cher herself. It’s not that I don’t respect Cher– that bitch can sing. I just can’t get past her collagen-filled lips and cheeks and the fact that she has a baritone deeper than mine. That being said, I can’t have a blog about auto-tune without giving the song Believe some kind of honorable mention.

What Does Auto Tune Mean In Music

This was the first mainstream use of auto-tune… ever. No one had heard the sound before Cher decided to make herself sound like a robot on the 1998 smash hit. This song became so popular, everyone wanted the “Cher effect.” Literally. There were reports of nearly every ultra-pop artist at the time saying they wanted to sound like a robot on their latest track.

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So, why did Cher use the tool that we know and love today? Well, Cher wanted a new sound. She wanted to once again push the boundaries of music and pave a new path into the future of the 21st century. And what better way to do that than make herself sound like a robot? The futuristic sound gave Cher a curb on the competition and put her at the top of her game. At the time, it was the #1 selling track by a female artist in the U.K. ever.

Apr 23, 2017  They always use auto tune. They actually can't sing. If I had that microphone and equipment too, I could do just as well. It's all auto tune. There's no talent. The program basically lets artists talk and auto-tune does the rest. Also has let many singers rise up in the industry when they have no talent. ' Y'all niggas singin too much, get back to rap ya T-Painin too much'- Jay-z- Death of Auto-Tune. 19 T-Pain Faheem Rashad Najm, better known by his stage name T-Pain, is an American recording artist and music producer from Tallahassee, Florida. T-Pain is the king of autotune, and uses it so much in his songs that he sounds like a robot. Believe it or not, T-Pain sounds amazing without Auto-Tune. I can assume he wasted his talent with Auto-Tune.

What Does Autotune Mean In Music

What Does Auto Tune Mean In Music

The use of auto-tune put Cher on top of the world and I gotta thank her for doing it. If Cher had never used the sound of auto-tune on her smash hit what would music be like today? Some may argue that someone else would’ve eventually discovered auto-tune and used it but I like to credit Cher for her advancement in the music industry. You go, Cher. Thanks for using an awesome tool to create your futuristic sound. You brought to light a tool that has been used to create some amazing songs.

What Does Auto-tune Mean In Music


Auto Tune Music Maker

tūn, n. a melodious succession of notes or chords in a particular key: the relation of notes and intervals to each other causing melody: state of giving the proper sound: harmony: a melody or air: frame of mind, temper.—v.t. to adjust the tones, as of a musical instrument: to play upon, celebrate in music: to give a certain character to.—adj.Tū′nable.—n.Tū′nableness.—adv.Tū′nably.—adj.Tune′ful, full of tune or harmony: melodious: musical.—adv.Tune′fully.—n.Tune′fulness.—adj.Tune′less, without tune or melody: silent.—ns.Tū′ner, one who tunes or adjusts the sounds of musical instruments: one who makes music, or sings: in organs, an adjustable flap for altering the pitch of the tone; Tū′ning, the art of bringing musical instruments into tune; Tū′ning-fork, a steel two-pronged instrument, designed when set in vibration to give a musical sound of a certain pitch; Tū′ning-hamm′er, a tuning-wrench with hammer attachment for regulating tension in stringed instruments.—Tune up, to begin to sing or play.—Change one's tune, Sing another tune, to alter one's attitude, or one's way of talking; In tune, harmonious; Out of tune, inharmonious; To the tune of, to the amount of. [A doublet of tone.]