Traktor Pro 2 Beatgrid

Has anyone had it flawlessly working? (the beatgrid) without manually adjusting all your tracks?
i'm getting really frustrated about this. There is not 1 song that is lined up correctly with the beatgrid. The distance between the beatgrid markers is correct but they are ALL slightly off. I have to adjust them all on the fly (cmd+alt & arrows), that's really annoying when you are mixing 2 decks and switch the sync between decks, it's always off!
At first i rescanned all my tracks with the new SSL update (because the beatgrid detection supposed to be more accurate), resulting in not 1 track that is gridded correctly.
Last night my friend came along who plays with traktor, i let him rescan all my tracks because he told me that 95% of tracks that he analizes with traktor, are dead on beatgridded. So after scanning everything we tested it in traktor to sync 2 tracks (decks) and they were lining up perfectly! without having to adjust them! (we tested several tracks)
When loading my tracks in serato and adding samples via the bridge, everything was slighly off again!!
So i'm thinking that that the beatgrid detection on the bridge/serato needs some serious improvement. Or has it something to do with latency?
Anyway if it's just like this and you have to manually adjust everything, this update shouldent had been released imho.
i had mentioned it before that, for me personally i probbably gonna switch to traktor due to the lack of descent syncing in serato.
I really really really like the idea of the bridge, but it has to work!
maybe it's something that i'm doing/not doing right, so please, before selling my SL3, can someone give me an exclusion about this?
thnx in advance

Traktor Pro 2 Beat Grid Problems

BeatSync is the mode that you’re probably familiar with if you’ve used Traktor Pro 2 before. In BeatSync mode, both the phase and tempo of your tracks are aligned when the sync button is pressed and you can only bend the pitch of the track that is set as the Master. This ensures that the tracks you have synced together never go out of phase. May 28, 2019 TRAKTOR DJ 2 is our free DJ app for iPad and desktop, designed to break the boundaries to DJing. SoundCloud Go+ integration means you have access to an endless track collection, and TRAKTOR’s song. Serato DJ Pro manual; Beatgrids; Adjust Incorrect Beatgrid INCORRECT BEATGRID. The Beatgrid may not always be correctly estimated and the markers may not line up exactly with the track’s beats. If the Beatgrid Bar Markers start falling off the beats over time, then you will need to Adjust the Beatgrid. Scan into the track to see the.


Traktor Pro 2 Beatgrid Download

As long as the tempo is correctly set, you should have a fresh working beatgrid. Incorrect grid markers. TRAKTOR’s analysis will occasionally guess the wrong place for a your grid marker, causing the beatgrid to be out of measure (for example, not starting on the downbeat) or out of sync with the music. There are two ways to solve it.

Jul 14, 2011 Learn how to customize Traktor Pro 2's user interface in the second part of our How to DJ with Traktor Pro 2 video series. How to DJ with Traktor Pro 2: Part 12 - How to Beatgrid Tracks with. Mar 02, 2009  Create Great BeatGrids in Traktor Pro. By Ean Golden On Mar 2, 2009. Lots of great questions came up in the comments, so lets address them here. Why do you need to beatgrid? In Traktor Pro, Locking SYNC, or locking on tracks grid to another will not work without a grid. Beatgrids allow for quantized beatjumps, loops and cue jumps even in.